Makayla Couture
Makayla Couture is a Canadian drag performer and contestant on the second season of Call Me Mother. Born in Toronto, Makayla grew up with a family that praised creative thinking and artistic values. While unable to afford theatre and dance classes, Makayla began a dance club where she taught students routines she found on Youtube. She then began school at Earl Haig Secondary School as a theatre major in the Claude Watson program. During her time in the program, Makayla took part in as many arts-related opportunities as she knew this was her life duty. While finding her footing after graduation, Makayla looked to performing and modelling as her way to express herself, which she then turned to drag. While she is incredibly young, Makayla has become a household name amongst the queer community for turning looks, having a charismatic personality, and incredible choreography. Once you get a glimpse of her, you never want to turn away.

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